Friday, 23 August 2013

Ethiopian New Year New Promises

New years seem to herald new beginnings in all cultures worldwide. There is a huge sense of euphoria and at times seriousness in relation to them. Relatives, friends, neighbors, and even those who appear to be ‘distant’ express to each other best wishes. The first day of a new year seems to beg for a new start in one’s life. 

Friday, 16 August 2013

The ESAT Discussion Forum in Virginia

The Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT) is organizing a discussion forum to be held on the 18th of August 2013 in Arlington,Virginia, the USA. The general topic for discussion is, according to ESAT Radio August 15th broadcast, on current Ethiopian affairs and on identifying possible "solutions" to Ethiopia's problems. Participants are from political parties, civic organizations, government officials, and the general public. Branded as the first of its kind, the discussion is expected to explore possible 'exits' from the ugly political scene Ethiopia finds itself for decades. This is a timely and crucial initiative that needs deliberations. I want to highlight some points related to the planned forum.

Who will Win: Fano or the Government?

  The government's war for "disarmament" in the Amhara region has become much more   complicated than everyone’s expectation. ...